Saturday, April 30, 2011

Address please!

Marisol, please email me your address. I sent my email to your Facebook profile.
Thank you!

Friday, April 29, 2011

My moly is shipping to Marisol...

I drew a little too much. If there is such a thing!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I have Lindsay's book!

Hi all! I am pleased to tell you all that Lindsay's book arrived here safe and sound. I am also attaching a picture of me at 3 that I am including in my book. It is almost done (really!) and should get scanned and go out by Thursday. I am hoping you can all provide a picture of you when you were little too. It is fun to see. Cheers!

Monday, April 18, 2011

A quote from Frederick Franck

I like this quote from Frederick Franck and I have included in one of my photographs.

Sometimes I think I'm not creative and forget that anything simple as a tree branch can serve as an inspiration for any design.

Frederick Franck was born April 12, 1909 in Maastricht, The Netherlands – and died on June 5, 2006 in Warwick, New York.  A painter, sculptor, and author of over 35 books on life, art, and transreligious thought, he was known for his interest in human spirituality.

A quote from Frederick Franck

For Lindsay, Dana and Alicja.

When I draw or paint, I do it for me, because I like it and it makes me happy, but I know that these emotions can be transmitted to those who watch our art. This is the reason, this blog is a great opportunity to share our art.

I encourage you to include more photographs of your project, before, during and after carrying out the drawings so that others can see the different steps of the project.

If we want our art to be private I'm afraid this isn´t the appropriate place because this blog is on the internet. This place isn´t private, is public.

Please, I beg you to participate with your comments on the entries in this blog. This is a project in which all must interact continuously and constantly.

Thank you for your attention, I end this post and I invite you to watch this video about CREATIVITY.

I wish you enjoy this video and I hope your comments.

It's messy...but its mine. :)

Hi Everyone!
I had my theme done for awhile now, but until I really delved into my drawing, I just didn't know what to say. When we are small, young, our imaginations run free. That gets pushed out of us at school, among other places. I remember day-dreaming a lot. I lived out in the country, surrounded by woods. I spent a lot of time outside and with my head in books. I used my imagination readily and thought it would be fun to try to remember just what I used to dream about. It has been difficult separating what I dream about now, from the way I used to think then.

I hope to see what you were like as a child through your daydreams as well. The right side of my image is done as well, I am filling in the center. It is hard to think like little me! I will send a final picture when it is all done.

Friday, April 15, 2011

sent and sent!

Hiya - here are some of my first pages - I totally changed my theme from the ones I had suggested earlier!

I mailed off my moly to Dana this morning - should arrive sometime next week!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Dana - could you email me your mailing address? (funkylindsay(At)gmail(Dot)com

Everyone else - Will post more pages once i fix my scanner!

Quick question - is there a "deadline" each month to send our books, or just when we are ready to send on?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

First drawing completed

Scientific name: Phalaenopsis
Common name: Butterfly orchid
Family: Orchidaceae (orchids)
Place of origin: Asia. India to the Philippines, Indonesia and northwestern Australia, where they inhabit warm, moist forests, usually near water.

I finished my first drawing and I am prepared to send it to the next artist but I expect each of you include photos of your sketchbooks and drawings. When you include your drawings on this blog then I send my sketchbook to the next artist.

I am a woman with little free time, I'm married mother of two children, work at home and I have a job outside my home but I have taken this project very seriously and I'm trying to be as quick as possible.

I like drawing and painting and I like to do things that give joy to others, this is the reason why I think we should include many photographs of our drawings and sketchbooks in this blog.

I would like this blog has more life, I need your comments and pictures more often.

Please do not let this project die, I think if we put a bit of interest we can get something very beautiful.

You can see the pictures bigger if you click the mouse over.

Moly_X_32 first drawing done.

Moly_X_32 first drawing done.

Moly_X_32 first drawing done.

Moly_X_32 first drawing done.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Have you finished your first entries?

Hi Moly x 32ers!

I've been away a bit (we had a baby) and I'm still pretty busy, but I thought I would poke my head in here. I hope you are all well. There has been ample time since this group has started, but I haven't seen any of your first entries here yet! Who's finished their first entry? Anyone already send them to the next artist?

Please check in here, your fellow collaborators need your communication and attention.